Growing Together: A Tale of Two Businesses

For a small business, growing at a comfortable pace can be tough. Not only do you have to worry about keeping yourself out of the red, you’ll also have to make the right amount of profit so you have enough to invest back into developing your business.
This was pretty much the reality that Aries Uy was faced with when he started Express Clean, a self-service laundromat, back in 2017. “It was a total risk with doubts and uncertainty involved,” Uy related. He added that starting his business was a gamble with whatever savings he had at the time. “As an entrepreneur, you need to be ready to take those calculated risks.”
But a chance meeting with Alfamart, the first and only Super Minimart chain in the country, changed everything. Fortuitously, Alfamart was looking for partners to grow with, by subleasing some of their space to small businesses. Express Clean began their partnership with Alfamart in December 2017, opening their first branch in San Pedro, Laguna, right beside the store.
Since then, Express Clean has expanded to seven branches; each beside an Alfamart store. “Alfamart provided us the platform to jumpstart our growth in the industry,” Uy said. “We saw remarkable potential in the concept of a self-service type of laundry. Our partnership with Alfamart helped us realize it,” he added.
Ever since its entry into the Philippine market in 2014, Alfamart has kept its development grassroots-focused, constantly looking for partners to grow with. “When we brought the brand in from Indonesia, we didn’t just take the Alfamart name,” said Alfamart Philippines COO Harvey Ong. “We also brought with it the philosophy of starting from the bottom up, growing with the communities we serve and the partners that we engage with,” he continued.
Much like other small businesses, Express Clean was also affected by the recent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19) pandemic’s economic impact. “Undeniably, this pandemic has tested the mettle of many businesses, including ours,” Uy said. “Fortunately for us, our operational system has already been established, hence, enabling us to withstand the situation. With the support of Alfamart, as well as the flexible arrangements they provided to their tenants during this crisis, not only were we able to consolidate our operations, but we were also able to open up new branches during the lockdown period,” he explained.
“It is through the help of reliable partners that we were able to overcome the challenges of the pandemic,” Ong concurred. “We can rely on them, and they can rely on us,” he concluded.
For more information on how your business can work together with Alfamart, you may visit

Keeping It Cool: Partnerships and cooperation during the pandemic

Six months into Community Quarantine, most Filipinos are still adjusting to the repercussions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Different industries have adjusted at their own pace, with some choosing to slow down their activities and be more cautious.
The food production and sales industry were, and still are, more challenged with the adjustments. Consumers still need to eat, therefore farms still need to produce. And with more people staying at home and cooking their meals, demand for frozen food (especially meats) also increased, so stores still need to keep their inventories well stocked.
For Alfamart, the first and only Super Minimart chain in the Philippines, it was an opportunity to work better with trusted business partners, as it needed to ensure that the company’s nearly-1000 stores across Luzon had ample stocks to serve their respective communities.
“No matter how tough food logistics is during times like these, there will always be ways to do what must be done, especially with trusted business partners. We just have to be willing to do it,” said Gerry Lugapo, Alfamart AVP for Supply Chain.
Lugapo also emphasized how their partnership with Royale Cold Storage (RCS), their cold chain logistics provider since 2019, made it easier to maintain a stable food supply. “We always want to give the best quality products to our customers, so we knew we could count on [RCS’s] cold storage, delivery facilities, and expertise as the quarantines went on,” he added.
Alfamart only sources its meats from National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS)-accredited suppliers. These are then loaded onto RCS’s reefer vans (or trucks with built-in freezers), which are all NMIS-accredited as well.
Even before the pandemic, RCS always handled Alfamart’s food — especially meats — with the most stringent hygiene protocols, and even more so now. According to Joey C. Tongson, CEO of RCS, they had to mobilize all their available manpower to maintain their high quality of service amid the pandemic, “RCS immediately engaged and mobilized its workers to stay full-time inside the plant to serve Alfamart, ensuring that Alfamart operations would be continuous and unhampered,” Tongson said. “In addition, we provided them with everything they needed–food, lodging, and, of course, new protective and safety equipment,” he continued.
Tongson stressed the importance of taking pride in what you do to make customers, clients, and partners both happy and safe.
“Under our ‘New Normal’ protocol, RCS workers will continue wearing masks, using face shields, practicing hand washing and social distancing. RCS will continue to use foot baths and perform temperature checks of all our employees and visitors entering the plant,” he said. “We foresee that these new practices will continue even after we go back to the pre-pandemic levels,” he concluded.
On Alfamart’s side, the biggest challenge was transporting the food through different geographic areas with their own curfews and quarantine guidelines. “We had to plan every route well with RCS,” Lugapo said. “We had to coordinate with each and every LGU, down to the barangay level, so that we would not break any rules regarding curfews, checkpoints, personnel hygiene standards, and paperwork requirements,” he explained.
“Both in business and in serving the communities, everything is made better by a group effort,” Lugapo stressed. “We are so glad that we have partners like RCS and our other collaborators to ensure that our customers, and the communities we serve, are happy,” he concluded.
To know how businesses can work together with Alfamart stores please visit

Successful Ventures

Cecilia P. Ventura of Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan was an overseas Filipino worker for twenty years who decided to come home to the Philippines and start practicing her original profession of architecture. This devout and spiritually-minded woman decided to invest in a plot of land that would soon turn into a successful venture with Alfamart.
Ventura was familiar with the brand of stores as they were all over Jakarta, Indonesia, which was one of the places she worked in. However, she did not rush into the partnership lightly. After weighing all her options and seeking guidance for almost a whole year, she finally saw that leasing her land to Alfamart, and partnering with them, was a wise and solid decision.
Today, an Alfamart proudly stands on Cagayan Valley Road, Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan. The partnership has brought more than just a sound financial investment into her portfolio. “I can say that having Alfamart near my place is a great improvement,” Ventura enthused, “as it lit up the area, which was otherwise dark, especially at night.”
She went on to say that Alfamart saved her time and gasoline, as she could purchase what she needed from somewhere close by rather than driving far away. “I also observed that it greatly helps our community in Sta Rita, Guiguinto to have a twenty-four hour super minimart within walking distance.”
“It is because of our partners like Ms. Cecilia,” said Alfamart COO, Harvey T. Ong, “that we are able to help uplift the communities around the country. We are extremely grateful for the chance to grow our advocacy of community development in areas outside of Metro Manila.”
Ong also mentioned that Alfamart is looking for more partners as it continues to expand. “We are always searching for opportunities to bring the Super Minimart experience to everyone in the Philippines,” Ong continued. “We currently have around 900 stores nationwide, and we intend to open a lot more. All we’re looking for are the right partners to help us grow.” he concluded.
Ms. Ventura’s successful venture would not have come to pass without ample guidance and discernment on her end. A partnership with Alfamart could be a successful venture for you as well. For more information on how to become an Alfamart partner and/or lessor, you may visit

Alfamart reaches 900 store milestone amid quarantine challenges

It was all smiles and celebration as the latest Alfamart branch in Valdez, Floridablanca, Pampanga recently opened its doors to serve the surrounding community. Alfamart, the first and only Super Minimart chain in the Philippines, was able to pull this off despite current circumstances, thanks to the dedication of everyone in their team.
“The first half of the year was definitely not easy,” said Alfamart Philippines COO Harvey Ong. “We were hoping to have our 900th store opening to coincide with our anniversary in June. But of course, we needed to realign — to make sure that our frontline staff and employees were safe and well-equipped to deal with the challenges of the pandemic and the accompanying quarantine that came with it,” he continued.
Ong reiterated the fact that Alfamart employees were also frontliners who served the community. They needed to be safe so that they too can keep the customers’ shopping experience as safe and carefree as possible. “They are hard workers–dedicated to the core. We actually gave them freedom to choose whether they need to report to work or not during the quarantine. We were overwhelmed and surprised that a lot of them chose to still report to work, so, of course, we did everything in our power to make it easier for them to do their jobs,” he said.
Even up to now, Alfamart staff are still given free shuttle rides, provided PPEs and sanitation materials, and regular tests to ensure their health and wellness.
“We were fortunate that everyone in Alfamart adjusted well to the situation,” Ong continued. “We were eventually able to get our legs under us and continue with our plans to expand our operations further into Central and South Luzon,” he shared.
One of the biggest adjustments Alfamart implemented was establishing cashless payments in all 900 stores. Currently, they are accepting GCash and are planning to accommodate more cashless options in the future.

Alfamart expands GCash payment coverage to all stores

The ease-of-access to cashless payment methods, and the contactless culture brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, has made cashless transactions pretty much the norm. In response to this shift in customer behavior, Alfamart, the first and only Super Minimart chain in the Philippines, will be accepting GCash for all of its stores by the end of August.
Currently, there are over 20 million registered GCash users in the Philippines and it is continually growing because some cities used the cashless portal to give aid to those affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
According to Alfamart COO Harvey Ong, expanding the acceptance of GCash payments to other branches is in line with Alfamart’s goal of making shopping convenient and safe for all its customers. “In a post-pandemic society, there is more need for contactless payment options,” Ong said. “We hope to encourage the communities that we serve to use and get used to these cashless options to minimize the need for paper money and coins to exchange hands and limiting physical contact.” Ong further explained.
To date, there are close to 900 Alfamart stores serving Central Luzon, Metro Manila, and South Luzon. Each store is strategically located to cover subdivisions, neighborhoods, and communities so people will have a safe, comfortable, and convenient place to get their everyday needs at supermarket prices.

Collaboration: Business Growth in the New Normal

The economic downturn brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic can never be overstated. In the wake of the disease – and the quarantines implemented to control it – countless businesses have been forced to cease operations, and ultimately, close shop.
Of course, there are those who are fortunate enough to survive. However, as the economy continues to bear the brunt of diminished consumer spending, even mere survival is becoming a challenge. The prospect of sustained growth seems to be on another level entirely.
Alfamart, the first and only Super Minimart chain in the country, has always believed that collaborations and partnerships are the keys to growth, especially during trying times.
“Partnerships have been a key component and core foundation of Alfamart’s progress,” said Alfamart Philippines Chief Operating Officer Harvey Ong. “Ever since we started in 2014, we have been collaborating with landowners, lessors, suppliers, and partner consignees to make sure we can give the best selection and service to our customers,” he continued.
As far as Ong is concerned, an alliance can only be called a true partnership if the benefits apply to all stakeholders. A prime example of this is their tie-up with DECS, a spin-off of the original Diao Eng Chay Chinese deli of Binondo fame.
Justin Chua, a 4th generation owner of DECS, was a former Alfamart employee who was inspired to start his own business. When he was starting DECS, he saw it fit to partner with Alfamart so that their products could reach more people.
“Partnering with Alfamart helped DECS achieve its main objectives,” Chua explained. “Our market reach has expanded considerably, and we have been given an opportunity and a channel to introduce DECS products to non-Filipino-Chinese.”
DECS’ lumpia, dimsum, and pies were a big hit with Alfamart’s customers and introduced the legendary Diao Eng Chay lumpia, dimsum, and pies to a whole new audience.
“DECS’ growth climbed faster than we imagined,” Chua enthused.
Another Alfamart partner-success story is Bakeshop16, a baked goods and pastry supplier. The proprietors, mom Eunette Ong and her daughters Erica and Eryll, believe that working with Alfamart gave their young business a good boost, especially with their brand equity.

Advocacy-driven growth pushed in Alfamart 6th Anniversary

As Alfamart Phillpines, the first and only Super Minimart chain in the country, celebrated its 6th year of operating in the Philippines, they have opened at almost 900 stores across Central Luzon, Metro Manila, and South Luzon.
Despite the overwhelming and expansive numbers that they have achieved in such a short time, Alfamart remains focused on its advocacy- and partnership-driven culture. “We couldn’t have achieved the success the we now enjoy if we weren’t rooted in our advocacies of community development and service,” Alfamart Philippines COO Harvey Ong said.
Since Alfamart opened their first store in Trece Martires, Cavite in 2014, Alfamart has been opening stores non-stop. According to Ong, the motivation for their rapid expansion was so they could bring daily needs closer to the communities that they serve. “From our first store in Trece Martires, we saw how having a neighborhood Super Minimart has encouraged growth in the community,” he said. “So, we wanted to bring that possibility of community development to neighborhood that needs it,” Ong added.
Ong also highlighted how their advocacy-driven culture has helped them through the recent quarantines their affected communities went through. “Being an essential service, our Super Minimarts had to remain open during the various quarantine periods. We gave most of the staff freedom to choose if they want to report for duty or not. And I was extremely ecstatic and deeply moved when most of the Alfamart staff, from administrative, to managerial, to frontline, chose to serve despite trying times,” Ong shared. “It is very humbling and truly overwhelming. I was happy to know that everyone in the Alfamart family has imbibed our service-oriented culture,” he continued.
During the quarantines Alfamart provided as much convenience as they can to employees, such as shuttles to and from work, personal protective equipment (PPEs).
Now that the country is transitioning out of the quarantines, Alfamart continues its mission to serve more communities through partnerships. Even before the COVID-19 crisis hit the Philippines, Alfamart’s expansion strategy has always been about creating partnerships, whether it be with landowners, lessors, product sellers, and local government.
“We are always on the lookout to partner with whomever wants to join the Alfamart family and contribute to our advocacy,” Ong said. “Partnerships are especially more relevant now that everyone is recovering from the economic effects of the pandemic. We also took our own hits, and as we recover, we hope to stand up and support other individuals or businesses who need a hand to get back on their feet,” Ong concluded.

Alfamart Partners with BDO, PNB for Mobile ATMs

Having an Alfamart just around the corner was convenient for a lot of folks, especially during the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). However, there are times when a quick trip to the ATM, which may be much further from your neighborhood, is necessary before heading off to the Super Minimart on the way back.
As the GCQ begins, there are less restrictions, but the need for easier access to an ATM before shopping remains. With that, Alfarmart has partnered with BDO and Philippine National Bank (PNB) to make getting your essential goods and services much easier. BDO and PNB banks will roll out Mobile ATM facilities for certain Alfamart branches.
A BDO Mobile ATM unit will be available at Alfamart F.B. Harrison, Pasay from June 4 to 6, 2020.
PNB units will be available in more branches at the following schedules:
• Alfamart Sixto Antonio, Pasig – June 3 (7:00 AM to 12:00 NN)
• Alfamart Urbano Velasco Ave., Pasig – June 3 (1:00 PM to 5:00 PM)
• Alfamart Parang, Marikina – June 4 (7:00 AM to 12:00 NN)
• Alfamart Champagnat St., Rancho Estate 4, Marikina – June 4 (1:00 PM to 5:00 PM)
• Alfamart San Juan Heights Subd., Rizal – June 5 (7:00 AM to 12: 00 NN)
• Alfamart Blue Ridge, Binangonan, Rizal – June 5 (1:00 PM to 5:00 PM)
“We’ve always been deeply rooted in our advocacy of providing the community with convenient and comfortable ways to shop for their daily needs,” said Alfamart COO Harvey Ong. “And, if we can help alleviate other inconveniences by partnering with capable companies like BDO and PNB, we’re more than happy to do so for the communities that we serve,” he continued.
Apart from this recent partnership with BDO and PNB, Alfamart has been engaging with many entrepreneurs to be able to serve communities since it started in 2014. For more information on how to sell your products with Alfamart you may visit

Alfamart continues Super Minimart openings to serve more communities

Amid the Luzon-wide Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), Alfamart, the first and only Super Minimart chain in the Philippines, has resumed its expansion to cater to the needs of local communities.
What was once a simple and mundane task has been made more challenging and risky by the ECQ. Grocery shopping is now much more complicated than it used to be, as people now have to contend with curfews, checkpoints, social distancing, and quarantine passes to help stem the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. To help address these concerns and alleviate the burden on individual households, neighborhood minimarts like Alfamart have become more popular destinations for these errands, as they are closer to home.
In the recent week, Alfamart opened eight new stores across Luzon; namely, in Tabun, Angeles, Pampanga; Barangay 176, Bagong Silang, Caloocan; Poblacion, Floridablanca, Pampanga; Palico, Imus, Cavite; Silangan, Rosario, Cavite; Daan Sarile, Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija; Saog, Marilao, Bulacan; and Grand Valley Subdivision, Angono, Rizal.
Ten more stores are opening in other locations in May.
Alfamart frontline staff restocking personal hygiene shelves. Keeping the shelves stocked amid the ECQ is a fully operational distribution center that delivers needed supplies to over 800 stores.
Alfamart Philippines COO Harvey Ong pointed out that the expansion amid the ECQ is more about following through on Alfamart’s advocacy to improve communities. “The ECQ has been very challenging for everyone, especially those living in communities that are significantly farther from malls, supermarkets, and groceries,” Ong said. “We want to bring that safe, convenient, and comfortable shopping experience closer to home through our Super Minimarts,” he continued.

New Super Minimart in Angeles town to serve community amid Holy Week, ECQ

The Philippines’ first and only Super Minimart chain opened its latest store in Sitio Santol, Barangay Tabun, Angeles on Maundy Thursday.
The Tabun store, Alfamart’s 816th store in the country, was opened weeks ahead of schedule due to the request of the barangay.
Tabun Barangay Captain Alma Dizon-Mercado saw that her constituents needed a safer, more convenient, and more comfortable place to shop, so she wrote to Alfamart over a week before the store officially opened.
“Nakita ko rin po kasi sa social media na ang daming nagpapasalamat sa Alfamart, lalo na ngayung panahon ng Enhanced Community Quarantine,” said Dizon-Mercado. “Kaya minabuti po naming maghanap ng paraan upang makapagbukas sila sa aming barangay,” she continued.
Harvey Ong, COO of Alfamart Philippines, saw the barangay’s request as an opportunity to further advance the Super Minimart chain’s advocacy of community development. “We are more than happy to oblige Barangay Tabun. If we can fulfill a need, we are happy to provide,” Ong said. “Ever since the ECQ we have been working round-the-clock to keep as many stores open and well-stocked. We understand the urgency and need to provide the basic needs of families in a safe, comfortable, convenient place, at supermarket prices,” he concluded.